Brand Naming Services (Combined with a Comprehensive Trademark/Service Mark Availability Search)
The naming process involves many more considerations to be made, such as, how is this new name going to align with the other products in your portfolio; will this new name stand out among everything else that is already on the market; what is your target purchasing audience for the new product and will the new name communicate the right messages to those purchasers, and many more. We partner with branding /marketing specialists in order to help you in your efforts to re-brand or come up with new names for your goods or services, or both. IP Consulting® provides the following services in the field of brand naming:
А) provide three (3) new names for approval by the client;
We may provide cost effective searches for territories almost all over the world;
B) perform trademark clearance search nationwide, regionally or worldwide, depending on client’s needs;
C) prepare guidelines for proper trademark/service mark use in the target jurisdiction(s), once a name is chosen.