According to the Law on industrial designs a design is the evident outlook of a product or part of it, defined by the characteristics of the shape, contours, ornaments, color or combination thereof.
If you have created a new, original product tor packing, or font size, or composition of products, IP Consulting® is available to consult you and carry out on your behalf all actions to register your new design.
If you export goods subject to a registered industrial design, IP Consulting® will consult and guide you on how to protect your interests abroad in order not to violate other’s rights.
IP Consulting® provides the following services in the field of industrial designs:
- industrial design registration in Bulgaria;
- industrial design registration as Community design (you can find more information about the possibility to register an industrial design for the whole European union in section Community design;
- industrial design registration in third countries (IP Consulting® performs industrial design registration in more than 70 countries in the whole world);
- representation during procedures for invalidation or revocation of registration of industrial designs;
- enforcement, protection against violations of industrial designs (you can find more information in sections Border control, Unfair competition and Consumer protection);
- research and analysis (you can find more information in section research);
- consultations and deals with industrial designs (transfer, licensing, sale, joint ownership);
- industrial design evaluation (you can find more information in section Valuation of IP assets.