European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney
Bulgarian Patent Attorney, Bulgarian Trademark Attorney
Valuator of IP rights
E-mail: ivanivanov@ipconsulting.eu
Ivan Nikolov Ivanov has a Master’s degree in Economics and Management of Intellectual Property and Master’s degree in thermal and mass exchanging technology. He is specialized in the protection of intellectual property and intellectual property management, strategy creating for major companies with international aspects. Consultant with experience in legislation and regulatory issues. Member of international organizations as ECTA, UNION, FICPI, AIPPI, INTA. According to the official statistics of EUIPO Ivan Ivanov is the bulgarian representative with most filed European Union trade marks from Bulgaria and from Macedonia.
Year joined: Ivan Ivanov is founder of IP Consulting in the Year 2002
Education: Master degree in Economics and Management of Intellectual Property and Master’s degree in thermal and mass exchanging technology.
Current and previous positions: Managing Partner IP Consulting, Coordinator of the National Portal of Intellectual Property www.ipbulgaria.bg, Member of the Control Board of the Bulgarian Group of AIPPI, Member of the Control Board of the Chamber of Intellectual Property Attorneys in Bulgaria.
Areas of specialisation: Intellectual Property, Consumer Protection, Management of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property in the Pharma industry.
Languages: Bulgarian, Russian, English, Macedonian

- Ivan Ivanov, book – “Peculiarities of Pharmaceutical Patents”, Sofia, Princeps, 2000;
- I. Ivanov, R. Brestnichka, “The Community Trade Mark and the Accession of New Countries to the EU”, Trademark World, Vol. 1/2002;
- Brestnichka R., I. Ivanov, Community Trademark and the Accession of New Countries. Intellectual Property Journal, January 2002, KIPO. Daejon, Korea;
- Brestnichka R., I. Ivanov, Community Trademark and the Accession of New Countries. Journal of Law Review, March 2002, Chungman National University, Seul, Korea;
- Бресничка Р., И. Иванов, Товарный знак ЕС: возможности и перспективы. Патенты и лицензии. 4/2002, Москва, Россия;
- Ivan Ivanov, R. Dobreva, book – “New Plant Varieties as object of Intellectual property rights”, Sofia, IP Bulgaria, 2004;
- Ivan Ivanov, book – “Patent analyses”, Sofia, IP Bulgaria, 2004;
- Ivanova,А; Ivanov,I; “Building and Enforcing Intellectual property in Bulgaria”; IP Value, WhiteHouse publication, 2006;
- Ivanov,I; Ivanova,A, book – “Bulgaria’s opposition system – the devil’s in the detail”, World Trademark Review, 2014;
- Ivanov,I; Ivanova,A “Trade marks - oppositions” (in Bulgaria and before the EUIPO), IP Bulgaria publication, 2015;
- articles in leading Bulgarian newspapers and magazines;