Unfair competition

Unfair competition

IP Consulting® provides specialized services related to competition protection the field of unfair competition. We help our clients in connection with cases related to „Damage to competitors’ reputation“, „Misleading“, „Misleading and comparative advertising“, „Imitation“, „Unfair consumer attraction“, „Prohibition on disclosure of production or trade secrets“, “Dominant position on the market”. We provide the following services: consultations…

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Border measures

Border measures

According to the current Bulgarian legislation, the proprietor of a registered trade mark, geographical indication, industrial design, patent for invention as well as the holder of copyrights or related rights and the proprietor of a new plant variety, may ask the customs authorities to implement border control for preventing infringements of their Intellectual Property rights….

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Consumer protection

Consumer protection

IP Consulting® provides specialized services in the field of consumers protection. The team is with wide and broad experience in the area of consumer protection legislation and all of its aspects including dangerous products, requirements for the products, requirements for the packages, custom guarantees, false advertising and product representation, product recalls. We provide the following services:…

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IP Consulting has developed a trained and experienced team of attorneys-at-law who are specialized in the area of intellectual property, consumer protection, competition law, criminal law, trade law, customs law. IP Consulting offers its client and partners representation before the competent national courts for any case related to intellectual property, competition, consumer protection, which include…

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Valuation of IP assets

Valuation of IP assets

IP Consulting® provides services in connection with valuation of intangible assets as intellectual property. IP Consulting offers services for evaluation of trade marks, patents, utility models, industrial designs, plant varieties, animal breeds, copyrights, know-how and other intangible rights. The valuation of your intellectual / industrial property is used and is  necessary for at first place for its correct…

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By definition, outsourcing means „outside resource using“ or a concept of taking internal functions of a company and of their provision for execution by an external company and expert team. Outsourcing is a modern management practice, which achieves some key advantages, including: use of external or foreign competence and proficiency in specific areas; transfer of…

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Intellectual Property management

Intellectual Property management

IP Consulting® offers to its clients preparation of comprehensive strategies for effective management of their intellectual property in Bulgaria and abroad, which include: effective protection strategy; combatting violators; prevention of others’ rights infringement; preserving and increasing the value of your intellectual property. The experience of IP Consulting is connected with the management of the intellectual property…

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Our projects

Our projects

IPDEV IPDEV is one of our projects (projects in which we have been part). Provisions on intellectual property rights have a strong impact on economic growth, environmental protection and social objectives. Within the IPDEV projects, Ecologic points out policies related to intellectual property rights that support the achievement of sustainable development goals. On the grounds…

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Brand Naming Services

Brand Naming Services

Brand Naming Services (Combined with a Comprehensive Trademark/Service Mark Availability Search) The naming process involves many more considerations to be made, such as, how is this new name going to align with the other products in your portfolio; will this new name stand out among everything else that is already on the market; what is…

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eng. Ivan N. Ivanov

eng. Ivan N. Ivanov

eng. IVAN NIKOLOV IVANOV European Patent Attorney,  European Trademark Attorney Bulgarian Patent Attorney, Bulgarian Trademark Attorney Valuator of IP rights E-mail:   ivanivanov@ipconsulting.eu Ivan Nikolov Ivanov has a Master’s degree in Economics and Management of Intellectual Property and Master’s degree in thermal and mass exchanging technology. He is specialized in the protection of intellectual property and…

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