Did you recognize this logo?
Yes, this is Coca-Cola’s logo in Cyrillic.

There are many reasons to register a trademark in Cyrillic.

It is good for every business because:

  • Over 300 million inhabitants of the planet use this alphabet;

  • It is one of the official alphabets of the European Union;

  • When translating/transliterating the brand – even if the brands are phonetically identical, they are not;

  • visually identical or (sometimes) even similar;

  • When translating/transliterating the brand – even if the brands are phonetically identical, they are not always semantically identical;

  • When translating/transliterating the brand – even if the brands are phonetically identical, they are not visually identical or (sometimes) even similar;

  • When translating/transliterating the brand – if the brands are semantically identical, they are not always visually and phonetically identical and similar;

  • In any of the countries that use the Cyrillic alphabet, the local legislation for consumer protection, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic legislation require the mandatory writing of the names of the products in the local language – i.e. using Cyrillic;

  • Unscrupulous marketing players can take advantage of the positive image of your brands by using them with another alphabet;

  • In the analysis of the similarity of the marks, a potential infringer may not be convicted or successfully pass your border control;

  • There are Cyrillic domains on the Internet;

Very important!

  • When creating global brands, do research in Cyrillic;

  • Invest Cyrillic mark research in your search strategy;

  • Be careful when researching because many of the databases are not updated and the Cyrillic characters are entered in them as figurative marks and the search algorithms do not take them into account;

  • Include in your watch strategy monitoring and tracking for similar and identical Cyrillic mark

Brands in CYRILLIC?
The top ones have long ago done it.